
Message from our Lady Captain Anne Cox to Members and Visitors

I would like to thank most sincerely everyone who made my lady captain’s day such a wonderful event. The four competitions were vigorously contested and I was delighted to see so many ladies playing the 9 hole on Friday. Congratulations to the winners. Thanks to everyone who prepared the course the clubhouse and helped organise the evening event and of course the beautiful day was the icing on the cake.It was great to see so many people gathered in the clubhouse and enjoying the celebrations.Unfortunately our President Mary was unable to attend but I know she was with us in spirit. To date €1400 has been generously donated to Roscommon Mayo Hospice on your behalf. Thank you most sincerely for that. Hard to believe we are halfway through the golfing year so let’s get out and enjoy our fabulous golf course while we can. Looking forward to Captain Paul’s weekend in a few weeks. Anne , Lady Captain

Anne Cox Lady Captain’s Week Results.

Congrats to our very popular and hardworking Lady Captain Anne Cox on a very successful week last. A big thanks to all who helped Anne to make the week so successful. The course staff and course volunteers. To the bar and Restaurant staff for the lovely meal and drinks served to the very large crowd that attended the presentation of prizes on Saturday night. Congrats to all the winners. The following are the results. Wednesday scramble 1st Ann Keenan Veronica Sheeran and Catherine Moreton nett 27. 2nd Phil Emmett Josephine Wilton and Autumn Woods 30nett. 3rd Phil McWeeney Claire Tiernan and Katrina Fitzpatrick 30nett.In the ladies section congrats to the winner Teresa Duignan with an excellent score of 60nett. 2nd Kathleen Loftus 66nett. Gross Siobhan Talbot 89 gross. 3rd Phil McWeeney 70nett. Past Captains Phil Emmett 72nett. Front 9 winner Ciara Cummins Back 9 Lisa Casey. Ladies 9 hole winner Ann McGourty. Ladies visitor prize was won by Moira Slevin 77nett. Nearest the pin Ladies was won by Geraldine Prendiville. Longest drive for the ladies was won by Monica Shannon. In the gents section congrats to the winner with an excellent score of 60nett was Aidan Carney. 2nd Gerard McGonigle 66nett. Gross David McDermott 70 gross.3 rd Gerry Emmet 67nett. Front 9 Marc McDermott. Back 9 Shane Loftus. The winner of the Senior section was Gerard Fitzgerald 36pts. The visitors men section was won by Donald O’Murchu 78nett. Nearest the pin was won by Kevin Ward. Longest Drive was won by Stephen Sheeran. The Birdie Tree was won by Damien Duignan. [image: image.png]
Picture shows overall winner in the Ladies section Treasa Duignan with Lady Captain Anne Cox. [image: image.png]
Picture shows Winner of Lady Captains Prize to the Gents Aidan Carney [image: image.png]
Picture Shows The Seniors winner Gerard Fitzgerald

Seniors Results

Last Thursday was Lady Captain Ann Cox’s prize to the Seniors. The overall winner was Gerrard Fitzgerald with a score of 36 points (B9). Category one winner was Anthony Noone with a score of 36 points, Category two was won by Michael Delorey with 35 points and Category three was won by Tom Owens with 32 points. The front nine was won by Seán Gilmartin with 17 points and the back nine was won by Dermot McNamara with 20 points. Golf as usual next Thursday.

Golfing Season Update

The golfing season for 2024 is now in full swing! Some of our annual major events have either already taken place or will do so over the coming weeks. In early June we had a hugely successful annual club classic with a record number of teams playing and funds raised. Thank you to all members and visitors who played. President Mary O’Rourke, president’s prize took place at the end of June. It was a great week with several golfing events taking place. Well done to Mary for also raising some key funds for charity also. This coming week and weekend will see several golfing competitions for Lady Captain Anne, culminating in the Lady Captain’s prize to gents. Can all members please strongly support the competitions for Lady Captain Anne by competing. My own captain’s prize will take place soon, culminating over the August Bank Holiday weekend. I will advise soon on the planned format for this but again I urge all members to make every effort to play. The OBN series is also well up and running. The 4th of the 5 series took place the weekend just gone. I won’t engage in the absolute nonsense engaged by our sponsor on this series. I will leave this to him as he is the master of blather! Driving Range, I’m pleased to say that the works on our driving range will commence this week on Wednesday 10th July. This will involve putting up new poles and netting to make it more secure. Consequently, the driving range will be fully closed from 10th to 17th July. We apologise for any inconvenience, but it will be worth it. Course drainage works. As previously communicated, we await clarity on our sports capital grant application for course drainage works. But we remain hopeful. In the meantime, some pre-assessment work has taken place. You will notice the beautiful view of the Shannon now from the 4th green and 5th fairway. More to follow.
Recommendations for course improvement and enjoyment Earlier this year, I commissioned Liam Bruen and a small team to review our course and to make recommendations as to how we can make it more enjoyable for members and visitors. Liam presented a very comprehensive set of recommendations which we will communicate on soon. In the meantime, we will be establishing two groups to implement some of the recommendations. One group will look at tree planting and replacement. The second group will look at signage, hazards and stakes. I will communicate details on the members of these groups soon also.
50/50 draw The 50/50 draw continues to be a great success. If Hugh Gralton hasn’t already got you to sign up for a direct debit, he will…so it’s best to go there voluntarily!! But please do sign up. This has huge potential for the club.
Inter Club Competitions Our ladies, gents, seniors mixed and juniors interclub competitions continue. Well done yesterday to our Jimmy Bruen team, led by their captain Fiachra Neary, who advanced to the next round with a great win over Strandhill.
Closing comments We are also seeing great potential for new members in the club with great numbers attending the junior evenings every Monday, and the ladies get into golf on Wednesdays.
So school is out, the summer is here, the course has hugely improved and is looking well. So, get out, enjoy it, and play in the competitions. Onwards and upwards!

President Mary O’Rourke Presentation Night.

Winner of Mary O’Rourke’s ladies Presidents prize 2024.L to R. Lady Captain Ann Cox, Theresa Duignan (winner), Club President Mary O’Rourke & Club Captain Paul Reid. [image: image.png] Winner of Mary O’Rourke’s Gents Presidents prize 2024 L to R. Lady Captain Ann Cox, Declan Loftus being presented his prize by Club President Mary O’Rourke. [image: image.png] Gents winners Presidents prize: L to R. Tommy Mulvey (accepting Longest Drive prize for Sean Mulvey), Sean Martin (winner of Seniors Competition), John Hardiman 3rd.,Chris Lowe (winner of Back 9), Club President Mary O’Rourke, Kathleen Loftus (accepting Gents overall prize for Declan Loftus) & Club Captain Paul Reid.
[image: image.png] Greg O’Rourke being presented the visitor Prize by his wife Carrick on Shannon Club President Mary O’Rourke, [image: image.png] Seniors winner.L to R. Lady Captain Ann Cox, Sean Martin ( Winner of Seniors Presidents Prize), Club President Mary O’Rourke, Club Captain Paul Reid. [image: image.png] Lady Winners of Mary O’Rourke’s Ladies Presidents prize 2024 Back row L to R. : Mary Molloy (2nd)., Virginia Connelly (Visitors Prize), Phil McWeeney (Past Captains prize), Kathleen O’ Dowd (Wed. Scramble winner), Ger Farry (Gross),& Jenny Bruen (Wed. Scramble winner).Front row L to R.: Lady Captain Ann Cox (nearest Pin), Molly Daly, Club Captain Paul Reid, Club President Mary O’Rourke, Ladies president’s prize winner Theresa Duignan, Mary King (3rd) & Terri Gray. [image: image.png]

Driving Range.

The driving range will be closed from Wednesday July 10th till the 17th of July. This is for the damaged nets to be repaired and an additional net to be installed at the back of the range. Apologies for any inconvenience caused.

Jimmy Bruen 1st Round Results.

Our Jimmy Bruen Team played Strand Golf Club in the first round last Sunday. Congrats to the lads on winning. Team Captain. Fichra Neary. At Home Paul Roche & Albert Hogg. And Kyle Flynn & Stephen Sheeran. Away John Coffey & Niall Keaney. And Damien Quigley & Gordon Kavanagh. Best of luck to the team in the 2nd round.

O.B.N Series Results.

After 4 rounds of the O.B.N. Series The following are the top 5. But it is important to note that the top 30 qualify for the Final. 1st Marc McDermott 63pts. 2nd Damien Quigley 58pts. 3rd Stephen Sheeran 50pts.4th Cathal Dowd 45pts.5th John Coffey 37pts.

Gents Divino Restaurant G.O.Y.

The club would like to thank the management of Divino’s Restaurant Carrick-on-Shannon for their very generous sponsorship of last week’s competition. Congrats to all the winners. The overall winner with an excellent score of 42 pts was Gareth McDaid. Gross was won by Patrick Martin 36pts. Division 1 winner was Marc McDermott 39pts. Division 2 winner was Andy Connellan 38pts.
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