
Senior Results

The results on Thursday the 7th November were:- 1st Albert Hogg with 35 points (back 9) in second place Donal Collins also with 35 points, Damien Duignan came third with 33 points. A very successful outing took place to Strandhill on Monday the 11th November with 32 members taking part in a Texas Scramble Stableford competition. The overall winning team members were:- Albert Hogg; Seamus Sweeney; Sean Martin and Francie Foley with 45 points (back 9). In second place team members were:- Robbie Donaldson; Seán Mc Monagle; Charlie Farrell and John Burke also with 45 points. Tommie Mulvey; Damien Duignan; Tom Martin and Ken Moran came third with 44points.

Parent Club A.G.M.

The Parent club A.G.M took place last Friday night in the clubhouse a very large crowd of members attended. The outgoing officers and committee were thanked by the members for their excellent work during the year. The following officers were elected for 2025. Club Captain and Chairperson Hugh Gralton Club President Chris Lowe. Lady Captain Frances Molloy. Vice Lady Captain Monica Shannon. Vice Gents Captain Frank Duffy. Club Secretary Peadar Griffin. House Secretary Tom McGuinness. Treasurer Chris Lowe. Public Relations Officer Oliver Curran. Membership Officers Patrica O’Hara and Philip Martin. Junior Convenor’s Siobhan Talbot and Paul O’Brien. Committee Members Nova Farris Attracta O’Connor Marian Dolan Mary Molloy. Andy Connelan Donal Collins Gerry McDermott Gordan Kavanagh Brendan Boyle Colin Slevin. Ex officio Anne Cox and Paul Reid. All the members at the meeting wished the incoming officers and committee good luck for 2025.

Good Luck Patrick Martin

Whilst the rest of us might be looking out at a rather grey Monday Morning in mid November, Patrick Martin is getting ready to participate in The Faldo Series EUROPEAN GRAND FINAL AT AL AIN EQUESTRIAN, SHOOTING & GOLF CLUB in the UAE. Patrick qualified for this prestigious event by winning in Glasson Golf Club earlier this year in the Faldo Series Qualifier. The Faldo Series alumni has quite the squad, it includes Rory McIlroy, Tyrell Hatton, Nick Dougherty, Mel Reid and Henni Zuel to name just a few. I think you will all join us here in Carrick Golf Club <[0]=AZWrqxHrxytNb7KhVIuAcH1wKnW1rqoS96OS2dSxL_2Rh7R9rxddiTJgD52LVEQBsKqFEgJvnYlpaQPA4nzX5WlEr9B-PKDwK5Ht7lFpIPFdMmZi7UqZG5ZzOhsAyIR0DRBNcr_FvdZ6AjPqtpWjqx7xfJG2ZyjzGtqpa-8UpIpD5sLCmjUYkytgxNQc9wDGvWFvCKuPZXhKLfXvHSijqr5mx2rlPgrhsH2PeNBRCYyi9w&__tn__=-]K-y-R> in wishing Patrick every success this week. We hope you play well but most importantly enjoy and soak up the experience. It’s a fitting reward for the amount of work you have put into your game. Best of luck Patrick!!! [image: image.png]

Ladies Club A.G.M.

The Ladies club held their A.G.M. last Friday night in the club house and a very large crowd attended. The members thanked the outgoing officers for their hard work during the year and wished incoming officers the best of luck for 2025. The following officers were elected. Lady Captain Frances Molloy. Vice-Captain Monica Shannon. Past Captain Anne Cox. Secretary Nova Fariss. Handicap Secretary Patricia O’Hara. Competition Secretary Monica Shannon. Treasurer Attracta O’Connor. Junior Convenor Siobhan Talbot. P.R.O. Delores Mulvey. Ladies committee members Helen O’Malley Margaret Killoran Mary Molloy Marion Dolan Melissa Collins Jenny Bruen Teresa Duignan.

Gents Club A.G.M.

The Gents club held their A.G.M. last Friday night in the club house and a very large crowd attended. The members thanked the outgoing officers for their hard work during the year and wished incoming officers the best of luck for 2025. The following officers were elected for 2025. Club Captain Hugh Gralton President Chris Lowe. Vice Captain Frank Duffy.
Secretary Peadar Griffin. Junior convenor Paul O’Brien. Competitions Secretary Tommy Taylor. Handicap Secretary Allen Ffrench. Men’s Committee. Andy Connelan Donal Collins Gerry McDermott. Gorden Kavanagh Brendan Boyle Colin Slevin Paul Reid.
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