Category: News

Sean Mulvey Win Junior Scratch Cup at New Forest Golf Club.

Congrats to our very popular member Sean Mulvey who won the Junior Scratch Cup at New Forest Golf Club recently. Sean had an excellent gross score of 77. See Photo of Sean being presented with the cup by New Forest Captain Ciaran Leavy and Assistant Pro James McGivern. Also Photo Sean with his Parents Dolores and Tommy. [image: image.png] [image: image.png] [image: image.png]

Club President Mary O’Rourke Presents Cheque for £1200euro to North West STOP.

President Mary O’Rourke had a brilliant idea to raise funds for a Charity of her choice on her Presidents Day. Lady Captain Anne Cox and Club President Mary O’Rourke present Nicola O’Connor from North West Stop with a Cheque for 1200 euro.Thanks to all club members and friends who contributed to this worthy cause. [image: image.png]

Message from our Lady Captain Anne Cox to Members and Visitors

I would like to thank most sincerely everyone who made my lady captain’s day such a wonderful event. The four competitions were vigorously contested and I was delighted to see so many ladies playing the 9 hole on Friday. Congratulations to the winners. Thanks to everyone who prepared the course the clubhouse and helped organise the evening event and of course the beautiful day was the icing on the cake.It was great to see so many people gathered in the clubhouse and enjoying the celebrations.Unfortunately our President Mary was unable to attend but I know she was with us in spirit. To date €1400 has been generously donated to Roscommon Mayo Hospice on your behalf. Thank you most sincerely for that. Hard to believe we are halfway through the golfing year so let’s get out and enjoy our fabulous golf course while we can. Looking forward to Captain Paul’s weekend in a few weeks. Anne , Lady Captain

President Mary O’Rourke Presentation Night.

Winner of Mary O’Rourke’s ladies Presidents prize 2024.L to R. Lady Captain Ann Cox, Theresa Duignan (winner), Club President Mary O’Rourke & Club Captain Paul Reid. [image: image.png] Winner of Mary O’Rourke’s Gents Presidents prize 2024 L to R. Lady Captain Ann Cox, Declan Loftus being presented his prize by Club President Mary O’Rourke. [image: image.png] Gents winners Presidents prize: L to R. Tommy Mulvey (accepting Longest Drive prize for Sean Mulvey), Sean Martin (winner of Seniors Competition), John Hardiman 3rd.,Chris Lowe (winner of Back 9), Club President Mary O’Rourke, Kathleen Loftus (accepting Gents overall prize for Declan Loftus) & Club Captain Paul Reid.
[image: image.png] Greg O’Rourke being presented the visitor Prize by his wife Carrick on Shannon Club President Mary O’Rourke, [image: image.png] Seniors winner.L to R. Lady Captain Ann Cox, Sean Martin ( Winner of Seniors Presidents Prize), Club President Mary O’Rourke, Club Captain Paul Reid. [image: image.png] Lady Winners of Mary O’Rourke’s Ladies Presidents prize 2024 Back row L to R. : Mary Molloy (2nd)., Virginia Connelly (Visitors Prize), Phil McWeeney (Past Captains prize), Kathleen O’ Dowd (Wed. Scramble winner), Ger Farry (Gross),& Jenny Bruen (Wed. Scramble winner).Front row L to R.: Lady Captain Ann Cox (nearest Pin), Molly Daly, Club Captain Paul Reid, Club President Mary O’Rourke, Ladies president’s prize winner Theresa Duignan, Mary King (3rd) & Terri Gray. [image: image.png]

Driving Range.

The driving range will be closed from Wednesday July 10th till the 17th of July. This is for the damaged nets to be repaired and an additional net to be installed at the back of the range. Apologies for any inconvenience caused.

Anne Cox Lady Captain’s Week.

Our very hard working and very popular Lady Captains week starts next week. We wish Anne all the best for her Captains. On Wednesday 10th is the Ladies Scramble on Thursday 11th is The Ladies Captain’s prize to the Seniors. Then on Friday 12th and Saturday 13th is the Ladies and Gents Section. Food and Presentation of prizes will take place on Saturday night at 7.30pm.

Gents Lynch Cup Draw 2024.

Thanks to all the gents who played their lynch cup matches on time. Congrats to Robbie Donaldson on reaching the final. He will play the winners of Shamzuri Hanifa v Kevin Sheeran.
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