Category: News

Senior’s Results

The following were the winners last Thursday. Overall winner Anthony Noone with 41 points. Category 1 Sean Mc Monagle 37 points; Category 2 Sean Martin 34 points; Category 3 Sean Gilmartin 34 points. Winner front 9 John Burke KV 18 points, back 9 Frank Mc Grath 17 points. Weather was good and the course was in lovely condition. Golf as usual next Thursday.

U.S. Masters Challenge.

The club has launched the Masters Challenge for 2023. Please Collect sponsorship cards at the office or play online for £10 euro for one team, £25 euro for 3 teams or £40 euro for 5 Teams. Be in with a chance to win 1st prize £1000 euro 2nd 500 euro 3rd £200 euro. You can log on and play on line on the following link

Senior’s Results

The following were the winners last Thursday. Overall winner Albert Hogg with 38 points.Category 1 Leo Kavanagh 32 points; Category 2 Michael Delorey 35 points; Category 3 Brendan Lynch 37 points. Winner front 9 Dermot Monaghan 19 points and the back 9 was won by Liam O’Malley with 18 points. Weather conditions were much improved from the previous two weeks. Golf as usual next Thursday.

Captains Drive In

On last Saturday the 18th a large crowd of members were at our captain’s drive in. Congrats to Lady Captain Sheila Carney and Gents Captain Brendan Boyle. We would like to wish them the best of luck for the coming year. The club would also like to wish good luck to our Junior Girls Captain Jane Hanrahan and Junior boys captain Aaron Gibney. Congrats to the winners of the scramble. The results were as follows. 1st place with a score of 26pts were Dylan Beirne Sean Martin Barry Donnellan Josephine Wilton. 2nd place with a score of 25pts were Sean Martin Owen Gibney Patrica O’Hara Mena Doherty.

Senior’s Section

The outing to Strandhill on the 13th March was very successful. Good weather conditions. It was a 3/4 man scramble Stableford competition and enjoyed by all. In total 22 members played in six teams. Overall winning team had 44 points. Team members were:- Tommy Kenoy; Kevin O’Rourke; Seán Martin and Seamus Mulherne. In second place with 43 points – Albert Hogg, Deromt Monaghan and Jim Newcombe. Last Thursday’s golf was cancelled due to poor weather conditions and continuous rain during the previous days. Golf as usual this Thursday. Congratulations to Gents club captain Brendan Boyle and Lady captain Sheila Carney whose drive in took place last Saturday. We wish Brendan and Sheila good luck during the coming year.

Captain’s Drive In

Captains Drive In is on Saturday 18th of March, gents captain Brendan Boyle & lady captain Sheila Carney will host the 2023 captains drive in. They will be joined by our club President Oliver Curran. The format will be a four person mixed scramble with a shotgun start. Entry Fee €10 per player. The number of holes and start time will be confirmed closer to the time depending on entry numbers .The timesheet is now live for sat 18th of March so please put your name in the allocated tee times if you wish to be included on a team. Teams will be randomly picked from the entry list, and published before play. Best of luck to our captains and we hope everybody enjoys the day.

Senior Results Thursday 23.02.2023

The winners of the Seniors competition on Thursday last were as follows; First Sean Mc Monagle 44 points, Second John O Mahoney 39 points (Back 9), Third Robbie Donaldson 38 points. Front 9 Dermot Monaghan 21 points (Back 3), Back 9 P. J. Sharkey 20 points.Next Thursday we will have a 9 hole competition with a shotgun start at 11am. This will be followed at 1pm by the Clubs AGM in the Clubhouse. All members are asked to attend.Well done to the Seniors team who recorded a 3-1 victory over Dunmore in Dunmore Golf Club on Tuesday last.
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