The club held its Masters Challenge which was an outstanding success with over 1000 teams competing. Congrats to the winners. 1st Charlie Farrell £1000 euro 2nd Keith Tighe £500 euro 3rd Donagh O’Mahony £200 euro. The club would like to thank all who supported this fundraiser. A very special word of thanks to Liam Bruen, David McDermott Philip Martin and Dylan Beirne who put in a lot of work to make this fundraiser such a success. The club would like to also thank Adeline and Michael Guckian from the Leitrim Inn and Blueway Lodge for organising all the sales in the U.S.A. This year we also had Business both in Ireland and the U.S.A. selling teams online though there web sites. Behan’s and J.P. Clarke’s saloon in New York. Flynn’s Corner House Carrick. The Moylurg Inn Boyle. The Tipsy Taylor, The Leitrim Inn and Blueway Lodge. Thanks again to all who live streamed the results last Sunday night.