
Fred Daly Team 2023

Our Fred Daly Team had two outings this year, winning against Roscommon Golf Club and just losing out to Castlebar Golf Club.
The Team is photographed below here just before their Roscommon match.
Pictured left to right are: Patrick Martin, Charlie Boyle and Zach Brennan, who were the home team against Roscommon
In the second picture are: Luke Creighton (2nd from right) and Aaron Gibney (right) who were our away team.
Missing from the photograph is Conal Creighton


Our Junior Lessons are starting out again next Monday 22nd May at 6.30-8.30pm. We are looking for our Fred Daly Team for the next few years to start playing now.

The price is €80 for a single child, or €150 euro for 2 or more children from the one family. It is open to all juniors from 7 to 17. There will be people in the clubhouse from 6pm on Monday to get everyone registered.

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